It is said that everything in life happens for a reason. It is also said that to make something happen, one must put on their part to promote this event. Sometimes it fails and others success is reached. But what is undeniable is that if there is no predisposition to make something happen will never happen.

After three years of university life in Almería, it was time to start a new stage, this time between Pinoso, my hometown and Murcia, combining part-time jobs with studies. I realized soon of the importance of enhancing English language as for my professional future as for my personal  life, so I decided to catch it up, given that I hadn´t studied since I was at the secondary school.

Considering for several years the possibility of going to live to a English-speaking country for a season with the aim to push the language forward, eventually the moment came in the Autum 2014, when I took course towards England. It wasn´t a easy decision because I had never been living abroad. But after my experience , I must say that this has been one of the most pleasant and enriching I´ve ever lived.

But as everything in life there is a begining and an end, and the end of this stage in a little town from England called Totnes, which I´ll talk you about it later and where I have had the lucky of making great friends and meeting very interesting people, has arrived to give pass the begining of a new adventure. Adventure that will start very soon and it will have Nicosia as destination.

By the time I´ve decided to make a little stop in my hometown to enjoy the warmth of family and friends. But we will know soon more details about this new stage in the cypriot island situated in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea.

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