Hello to everyone!

Gradually the end of my adventure in Cyprus is coming, and one of the things that I promised to myself before I started it was travel as much as I could around Cyprus. Turkey, Greece, Egypt,… many destinations of great attraction and an entire year ahead. But first I had to discover Cyprus. After seven and a half months and have traveled and discovered much of the island, finally came the first break. Istanbul was the destination. A month ago, it was the turn of the next break. This time he played Bucharest, Romania.

Tuesday, January 31 I prepared the backpack and from Larnaca flew to Bucharest. There my friend Mihaela was waiting for me. I arrived in Bucharest at 6pm and an hour later I met her and a friend of her at the at the centre of the city. We had dinner in the old town, in the University area and after a couple of more beers, Miha and I went to her flat to rest.

The next day, my friend took the day off, so I took it as my personal guide to visit part of the city. We started the route in the Tineretului Park, covered by snow. From there we went to another park, Carol Park. It´s the oldest in the city and it has the mausoleum that honors the national heroes. We followed our particular route with refreshment stop at “Factory” to regain strength. From there we walked towards the centre of the city, watching the end of a long avenue the Palace of the Romanian Parliament, or as many Romanians know it, the People’s House. But that wasn´t our destination. Our destination was the House of Government. There was taking place a demonstration against the new elected Government one month, on grounds of corruption. Nothing new in the times we live unfortunately. When we arrived there were 6,000 demonstrators. When we left 80,000. When we got the news at home, the number reached 120,000.

On Thursday and Friday, while Mihaela met her workday, I spent both days to kick me (wander without rest) the city, to visit it and to keep the heat in the body. I will name some of the sites that I visited, such as the National Museum of History, the Arc of Triumph or the Avenue of Victory, but to illustrate all this, I recommend that you see with better detail everything that I could enjoy during the entire trip at the photo gallery.

Already on Saturday, first thing in the morning I said goodbye to Mihaela, caught a taxi at the airport and around three in the afternoon was again in Larnaca. Back home and rest.

See you at the next posts!

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