I arrived in Nicosia a week ago, capital of Cyprus. After an exhausting day of flights from Alicante to Bucharest and then to Larnaca, I finally arrived at midnight to my new home. The reason for travel to Larnaca and not to Nicosia is mainly because Nicosia airport is currently abandoned and disused due to the attacks suffered during the Turkish occupation of the island in 1974, but we will talk about this later. From the airport of Larnaca to Nicosia there are regular bus lines, so it is not difficult to reach the capital.
I arrived at the bus station in Nicosia and a very friendly guy called Loizos came to pick me up, took me home and that same night I met one of my housemates Benjamin, born in Hungary. Very politely, he showed me the house and my room.
The next day I met my other two flatmates, Gioia, and Barbara, of Italy and Portugal respectively. Since the previous day was tiring due to the travel, Dimitris, our closest “boss” met us at 12:00pm. One of the features of the Cypriots is that they don´t take the schedules very strictly, something that sounds familiar to me. First contact with the neighborhood to have located supermarket, post office, and our workplace. All by hand, go. And although we do not live near the Center no matter, here the distances are not too long. In the evening, I met which from now on will be my mentor (and best friend) Elli. They took us to a jam session at a very nice bar in the residential area of Nicosia. Not bad for starters.
The second day in Nicosia began our particular training period. In the morning  we went to visit two centres called Cyprus Community Media Centre and Home for Cooperation (H4C), with the peculiarity that both are in the Buffer zone, the neutral zone controlled by the UN and which separates the Turkish part of Nicosia from Greek part. Later, in the office, we received some notions about the use of different online platforms to develop and promote activities that we will do from now on.
On Wednesday, went to visit a centre of Caritas, which from now on we will attend once a week to help to Gesha, an incredible person that is dedicated to help the most disadvantaged people day by day. Immigrants, refugees, political asylum, or simply people without resources go every day in the hope of improving their situation. In the afternoon, more training in the office about how to plan activities and events.
Thursday we did a planned tour in the old part of the city and we learnt more details about the history of the city, as for example the architectural influence of the Venetians (the wall which surrounds the old part of the city is its most prominent construction), its strong belief with the Ortodox church or Nicosia is now the only divided capital in the world.
Ending the week, more hours of training in the office and in the evening we return to the CCMC. There we had a meeting with the responsible for the radio Studio. He was explaining in general radio operation given that this will be another of our activities, perform a radio program one hour per week. I am open to topics to talk about.
The weekend has been pretty quiet. After a week full of news and information, it has been good to have your time to assimilate all the stuff we have seen and everything we have from no on.

See you next week!

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