Hello to all one more week!
Close to stay two months in Cyprus, I am in front of the computer thinking about how quickly time passes. I guess that’s a good sign. Two months until now intense and with little time to feel sense of boredom. That here doesn´t exist. Sometimes even I find difficult to have time to write on the blog. Cultural activities along the week in the city, new people that we meet both at our events and other volunteer organizations, and of course, activities, workshops and events we create from our “Cultural Caravan” project.
One of those events was called “Wet Games“, as I told you in the previous post, and it was developed on Sunday in one of the beaches in Larnaca, concretely in KOT Larnaca. The event was the culmination of several weeks of work in the office by all volunteers and members of YEU preparing activities, materials and inviting people through social networks so all them would enjoy with us this activity… which wouldn´t have been possible without the great help of Natasha and Maria, members of the NGO , with experience in this type of events and very aware of every detail so that all come out well.
We were tired at the end of the day, but with the feeling that everything had gone well and that people enjoyed the day. Things to improve as some of the activities that we planned or delay other activities due to technical problems. Obviously not everything goes always perfect, but I´m happy because people enjoyed the day. We, the volunteers, also learned the dedication and work that leads to organize all this. Now I believe that we are ready to organize an event by ourselves.

But the week not only was about preparing this great event. On Wednesday I made, together with the help of my colleagues Benjamin and Gioia, a football tournament in the new campus of the University of Nicosia. A tournament organised mainly for people from Caritas, but also for other young people of Nicosia. After a week registering people for the tournament, on Wednesday there were four teams ready to play. But life´s coincidences, two days before the tournament began the Ramadan. None of Muslim participants were presented to the tournament. It is understandable that the guys after spending the whole day without eating have desire to play football. So at the end the tournament was played with three teams. You can imagine how chaotic that can get to be organizing a tournament like this. Moving to all participants from the office of Caritas to the University, reorganizing the equipment before starting with the parties, replying to the doubts of the participants when you need to focus your attention on other details and in addition do it in English. The last one shouldn´t be a problem if it wasn´t because sometimes it is really complicated to understand the English of people who come for example of India. In spite of everything, the participants enjoyed with the event and that is what I keep with me.

In these two events we can summarized what was the previous week. On Monday we went back to work in the office to prepare the “Screening Club” and the “Radio show“. As I commented about the projections of this month, the theme are musicals, and this week we played “Hair”, a musical drama set in the 60´s with the Vietnam War and the Hippie movement through. This time we projected the film in the courtyard of the Bank of Cyprus, a bank turned into a cultural center. Good public attendance, about 25 people and good night. The film went well, although I personally spent some time a bit anxious due to the screen. For the projection, we carry with us a projector, a laptop and a screen. Given that the screen is not very heavy, with any air movement could tip over easily, so that the set with several flower pots that were in the complex. It may sound funny the situation, but the truth is that the flower pots with its olive trees were very well as decoration around the screen. The problem was that although apparently the screen was well secured with strings, the wind was getting loose the strings and during the movie it seemed that at times the screen was going to dump. Fortunately it wasn´t so. Another night with a good result despite the unexpected events.

About the radio program, we prepared it on Monday because this week we have left recorded on Tuesday to play on Thursday. The reason for this is that this Saturday we have a training for volunteers that are going to help in a festival called “Xarkis Festival” the next month of July and therefore Dimitris has given us the Thursday free. The radio program this week is about “Social networks and its impact on our lives“. An interesting and current topic about how social media is moving our lives.

And with this I close the post of this week. See you next week!

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