Greetings for everyone

This week it has been fairly quiet in terms of activities and events. As every week, on Tuesday we had our weekly meeting with our coordinator Lefki, in which we valued the week before from 1 to 10, we carried out an assessment of the activities of the previous week and we talked about the activities that will be carried out next week. But given that these weeks we are not taking big events or activities (with the exception of the screening club organized on Monday and which made record attendance, around a hundred people), the two last meetings with Lefki have been to outline which will be our schedule from September until the end of our experience in Cyprus. New activities, events and workshops that I’ll be unveiling in the next posts.


As I said before, the previous week was fairly quiet in terms of activities, so we continued with our office work. I also met, as every week, my language exchange partners Antonia and Natasha. My will to learn to speak Greek is remarkable, but it is not easy, so they don´t have another option that have patience with me. And I can assure you that they have it. Anyway, I still have time to improve. Little by little or “siga siga” in Greek.


The weekend was generally quiet. On Saturday Benjamin, Gioia and I went to a party that the organizers of the art and music festival called “Xarkis Festival” made in order to promote the festival and also for staff and volunteers to know each other better. On Sunday Gioia and I both went together with two organizers of the festival, Athos and Alexander, to the village where is going to be celebrated the event, Lofou. All morning walking through the village, a village with very rustic style in which only fifty people live there. Part of the organizers told us where is going to be located each of the facilities that will have the festival and some of the tasks we are going to carry out. Personally I think it´s a very nice village perfectly comparable to any rustic village in the interior of the Iberian peninsula, and in which, allow me the expression, “it is fucking hot”.


Back to Nicosia in the afternoon, I met up my Spanish friends to see together the result of the Spanish elections. In the end there wasn´t change. Let´s wait for four more years.


Already on Monday, we organized our weekly “screening club”, with the exception of the last week, since the 20 Monday was holiday. This week he played the last film of the genre that we have been projecting this month, “Grease“. Honestly I don’t know why, but the film was a huge success, especially among women. A hundred people attended to watch the movie outdoors. A hit of film without a doubt, and that I’m not a lover of musicals.


And to close the post of this week, saying that after several failed attempts to take a few beers with my friend Nikos, finally on Tuesday night we got agreement. Saying, rather, that he kidnapped me. And I finally let myself to kidnap, gladly. We took a few beers with good conversation topics of through and ready to sleep in a good mood because of the beers.

See you soon!

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