Hello to everyone!

After a few weeks off the blog, we’re back. In this post I will focus on summarizing how I have spent the last few weeks that I haven´t written and I will comment a bit the month of September, which comes loaded with activities and purposes.

As I said in the last entry, the burden of social and cultural activities and lack of time forced me to stop writing until it was more comfortable. That lack of time is due mainly to the amount of time that it demanded to me the Greek course that I did at the University of Cyprus, some meetings with my mentor and my companion of exchange of languages, the work as volunteer that have led both my mates and I in two music festivals,… and also the little but intense time that I have had for enjoying with my friends and others known people during my time free.

As to the course of Greek, saying that they have been four very intense weeks in which we have received all the classmates a vast amount of material and knowledge which, personally, I have  struggled to digest. Yet with this course I have been able to establish a base language to continue to learn in the coming months. One of the things that motivates me to continue learning Greek is its great similarity in pronunciation with the Spanish. While its grammar is crazy at times (comparable and even more difficult than Spanish in my opinion), phonetics is almost equal to our language. We will see in the coming months how I develop my learning.

Apart from the course, my colleagues and I also have worked as volunteers in two music festivals during the two last purposes of week, specifically at the Windcraft festival, organized by my mentor Elli and at the Afrobanana festival, one of the most important of Cyprus. I’ve also had some time to enjoy both with volunteers as Cypriot friends. There has to be time for everything.

See you the coming week! Stay tuned!

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