Farewell week 20th week

I would like to start this post with a small thought. Paragraphing Forrest Gump´s mother, “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what are you going to get”. Perhaps destiny, perhaps by chance or simply my will for discovering new places was the reason why I landed in Cyprus one day like today five months ago. And perhaps these blend of factors made that more or less two months and half later I´d know all those whom have been my adventure colleages till last week. I say until last week, because once finished their EVS experience, they go back home.

Mainly Manué and Ángeles, but also Christof and Marion. They have been part of my journey along this Summer, and in spite of having been for a short time, we have connected perfectly from the beginning. Because of this I want to dedícate this post to them. Lots and very good moments we have shared together and many memories will remain throughout the years, I´m sure of this.

Politistiko team

Although the first weeks after the Summer have been quite busy because of the work, I´ve had time to enjoy their presence. On Thursday, Manué´s last day In Nicosia, we went to have dinner to a italian-lebanese restaurant, and from there we went to his place. Benjamim, Michalis, Marion, Nadia, Leónidas, Bárbara or Ilenia among others, completed the group. There we played “kiriki”, a dice game, and then we toasted with Ouzo (beverage similar to anise) and Mastiha, another typical of the region. A good way to say “See you soon” to Marion, whom would be busy the next days and to Manué, whom would set off to Paphos the next day.

Spanish lessons

Some hours before, at YEU office, I gave my first Spanish lessons to two adult groups, the first one with around fifteen people, and the second one with around ten. A really great experience firstly because I have a group of  students very interested in learning Spanish and secondly because I felt very comfortable teaching my tonge language and I enjoyed a lot sharing it with them. I will continue working so their interest and my ilusion keep going high.

Poetic reading

On Saturday, after a nice afternoon over Nicosia streets as a result of the “Youth Festival” with a wide range of activities and a big amount of stands of the different NGO´s that collaborate with different Project for young people in Nicosia mainly and Cyprus in general, my Friends and me went to have dinner and to farewell Ángeles. But before this, in one of the activities of the fair, concretely a poetic walking over the Old town of Nicosia, I made my Little contribution reading a Federico García Lorca poem corresponding to his stage in New York, concretely “Vuelta de Paseo”, recitated afterwards in Greek by a YEU board member and friend, Hara.

Top roof party

Coming back to the farewell, Marc and his partner, Ilenia, Michalis, Ángeles and me went to have dinner and after that we went all together to friend of mine´s place, Vassilis, who organized an awesome party at the top roof of his building. Good music, better company and a great atmosphere as few times I´ve seen so far here. The best way to say bye to Ángeles. The only inconvenient was that we had to leave the party earlier than expected. The next day was also quite busy.

Cape Greko


On Sunday we had programmed a hiking at the coastal side of “Cape Greco”. Around seventy people came with us to the event. So the activity was a success. At the end of the route, we reached a beach where all the participants could have a bath after the hot walking, that lasted around three hours. About half past six, we were back to Nicosia. Complete day to end up a week full of work, good moments and farewells that I´m pretty sure they won´t mean bye, but a see you soon!

See you next week!

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