Hello again!

In this entry I will try not to write too much, basically because lately we have a lot of work and I don´t have a lot of time to sit down to write. Many things have happened this week. We have continued with our “Screening club”, my partner Gioia and I we have made our first vegetarian meal workshop, I could have played my first basketball party after one month and also we have had time to go away of trip with the ESN (Erasmus Student Network) during the weekend. Apart from all this, also we have dedicated many working time in the office and in Caritas.

On Tuesday we project the second film of our “Screening club” with some technical problem, which fortunately we were able to fix and was nothing. We had good public attendance, probably because they knew they would have popcorn to accompany the movie. No, seriously, we had an exceptional public that enjoyed the film and we appreciated enormously the patience they had with our problems of projection.

On Wednesday Gioia and I made our first workshop called “Veggie Kitchen”. In the morning we went to the market to buy the necessary ingredients and in the evening we started to work. The plates chosen for this first workshop were the “Spanish omelette”, a “salad of spinach and apple” and as dessert a “salami of chocolate”. The workshop was not badly completely: as for the meal, everything went out pretty good, we could enjoy a marvelous dinner. Nevertheless, in the next workshops we will have to improve the diffusion of the event to attract more people and on the other hand to organize us a bit better at the time of preparing the dishes.

On Thursday it is summed up in a training course given by Cáritas in the morning and more office work in the evening, and on Friday, after spending the morning in the Cáritas shelter, finally little free time in the evening to release the stress of the week. Dimitris, Benjamin and I met several boys that we met in the kitchen workshop in the old campus of the University of Cyprus to play a basketball match. How I missed to take a ball and to enjoy the sport that I love.

The weekend began at the station of bus of Nicosia. There was programmed a trip for students Erasmus, and we, like part of the project Erasmus +, we joined the group to begin knowing the island. We took in the direction of Paphos, and before the arrival, we did several stops in the way. First to take a few pictures of the incredible scenery of the coast and a bit later we had a  bath in “Petra’s beach tou Romiuo”, considered to be the place of birth of the goddess Aphrodite and where the rock it´s known with the name of the goddess. Next we continue with the program and we went to visit “The Aphrodite´s Bath”, a small spring in that, as count the legend, if you bathe in it you obtain the eternal youth. Since we went to see the place almost sixty persons suddenly, I almost manage to appear to the shore.

Once we left the baths, we came to the hotel. A complex with swimming pool, much adapted the whole group to freshen up and to spend some time until the hour of having dinner. To go to have dinner, we took the bus up to a beach bar. There we had dinner and after that, we continued with a party in the beach. An incredible party if it hadn´t been for the DJ. Fortunately some alcohol made the moment more bearable. We finished the party at two o’clock in the morning and we returned to the hotel.

The morning of the following day, we took a pleasure boat to come up to a beach called Blue Lagoon. The place was spectacular. A clean and clear water with an intense blue color was allowing to see the bottom of the sea with all clarity. A little bath and return to ground. When we came to the port from which we set sail, we went directly to eat, it was necessary to restore energies. After eating, we took the bus again and went to “The Seacaves”, a few caves in which it penetrates the sea and in which also species as the seal monk of the Mediterranean or marine turtles live.

After an intense weekend it was time to go back home. At nine o´clock at home with some time to rest and get energy for the next day.
Last Monday was a very long day. All day in the office and in the evening we performed “Screening Club”, because of the training course we did today, we had to do it yesterday. Great affluence of public again and satisfied they had fun.
See you next week!

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