Welcome to my blog one more week. After a intense summer and at the same time productive, is time to resume the activity in a way more structured but also open to new developments. I say structured because through the project we are carrying out we have a series of weekly activities with a fixed schedule, and I say open to new developments because from now till we finish the project, we will carry out a series of events and activities coming out of normal hours and in many cases will happen during the weekend.

The activities that we have scheduled for the next months are: kitchen workshops, photography and natural products; Spanish, Portuguese and Italian classes; yoga classes and outdoor workouts; our radio program and the weekly screening, each month with a different theme. As possible activities, we will organize several hikings, a wine route, a cheese halloumi excrusion, besides several sport events and a 3 on 3basketball tournament. This is basically what is going to be our work from now on.


On the other hand, we continue with our office hours in order to prepare with time all these activities and also with our collaboration at Caritas. Unlike countries like Spain, of Catholic tradition, the presence of this organization in the island is small and often it finds serious difficulties to attend to all those people that come in seeking of help because of their lack of resources.

Spanish lessons

Along the last week, as aspects to highlight, saying that I´ve started with the Spanish classes I’m going to impart until end of March. These classes are a challenge for me given that without much experience in teaching the Spanish language, I will give classes to two groups of about 15 people each one. A challenge that I accept with great enthusiasm and which I am sure I will learn a lot.

To close the week and setting aside the work with the Organization, on Friday it was organized a party to celebrate the birthday of five friends and volunteers of other organizations who have their birthday in this month of September, me included. A party that promised to be mythical and in the end didn´t disappoint. Proof of this was the condition the house was the next day. Although a couple of hours of cleaning, and everything like new.

We continue next week with new stories and experiences of life in Cyprus. Best regards!

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