Hello everyone. This week has been a little bit more special than the others. This is because on Monday 19th of September twenty-eight years ago I came to this world. I took the congratulations, but actually my mother was who made the effort and who should be congratulated. September 19th, day that I took off to enjoy it. Without doing any special thing, I dedicated myself basically to relax, to cook and  to answer the congratulations of people who spent a minute of their time to write me or call me. It might sound a little boring, but trust me, corresponding to the people who remembered me, and on the other hand, taking a break from the bustle of the last few weeks meant a lot.

Birthday meeting

In the evening, I met several friends to celebrate it with a few beers and a good chocolate cake. Very happy to celebrate it with them, but at the same time a little strange not to have family and friends nearby. Anyway, always well surrounded, it´s a luck.

The rest of the week kept going on the same line as the others, office work to continue preparing the activities that we carry out weekly and also in Caritas, laying a hand on everything we can.

As activities to highlight, on Wednesday Gioia and I did our cooking workshop. This time the theme was about summer meals. Taking advantage still of  heat and because during the summer we had no activity for the development of the workshop, we decided to do it that day. Of course, a good Andalusian gazpacho and a bitter-sweet potato salad. The preparation of the dishes was a success, it was not so much the attendance of participants. Due to several unforeseen the previous weeks to the workshop, we didn´t have clear whether we would do or not the workshop in the usual local, which gave us few time to create the event and promote it. Even so, the participants present there enjoyed the activity and were very satisfied with the dinner that they themselves drew up.

See you next week!

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