Hello everyone!

As it is often said, after a storm calm comes. And that is what I´ve been doing during the last two weeks. This time I have no excuse. I´ve dedicated my time to disconnect a little away from the hustle and bustle of the last few weeks and I relaxed so much that I even forgot to write. But I am already back.

Actually there is not much to say about the last few weeks. The work in Caritas runs as always and in the office, although at a lighter pace, too. Preparing the Spanish classes I realize I really like to do this more and more. My students maintain their assistance and according what I have heard, they learn and enjoy, two aspects that in my opinion should go always hand in hand . Of course, I also learn with them, always, something that I really appreciate.

Apart from the classes, on Thursday 3, I made an interview with my colleague Benjamin in our radio program “Signs of the World” about his experience as a volunteer  in an orphanage in Cameroon for three months. A very interesting experience, suggestive and inspiring as a challenge for the future, but you never know. That same day at night was time to say goodbye to Emanuela, great friend whom I spent a great time last summer and I couldn´t forget in this post. I hope that we can see soon.

In reference to the resting time I mentioned before, on Friday 28 October it was bank holiday in Cyprus and the following Monday I took the day off and so I was able to enjoy a few resting days, without doing anything in particular, but disconnecting. The reason for the bank holiday on 28 October in Greece and Cyprus is due to “no” (OXI) and its subsequent counterattack that gave in response the Greek Government of Metaxas to the Italian Government of Mussolini due to the ultimatum and later attempt of invasion by the italian army in Greek land in 1940. As anecdote.

And after a week shorter than normal, Friday came, and with it a last hour plan, concretely a camping in Troodos Mountains. A unexpected plan because I was proposed by my friend Ehson to make it late on Thursday. On Friday I moved to collect any items that I was missing for camping (sleeping bag, mat,…) and on Saturday we were going toward the mountain. But before, on Friday night, I had time to go out and taking a few beers with my friends Pavlos, Chrysi and Andria.

Madaris 3

The Saturday, as planned, we headed to Prodromos, to one of the highest points of the island. We arrived, planted the tents and went to collect firewood for the night,  it looked like it was going to be chilli. After that and before it was dark, there was programmed a yoga session in a hotel near the place, or at least that was what I understood. I didn´t expect when we got the place, the hotel was abandoned. In any case, we came in and on the first floor, in a huge and skeletal room (was completely in the foundations), we did a yoga class. At the end, a feeling of calm coupled with the particularity of the place made the experience a unique moment.

The hotel

We went back to the camp and lit a fire. Around five it was already dark, so we lit it early and there we enjoyed the heat of the fire eating, drinking, chatting and cheering the night with the djembe. Around midnight I went to my tent to sleep. Luckily, Elli gave me a fantastic bag and at the end the night was not as cold as expected.


The next morning, we picked up everything and headed to another part of Troodos, concretely to Madaris, where we went for a hiking, short route, but incredible one. A trail that surrounded the peak of the mountain and that offered some incredible views from the island. In a bit more than an hour we completed the tour and finally, went back to Nicosia.

The group

This last week, following with the work line, we reached the weekend. On Friday night I went out with my roommates and Alessandra, Gioia´s cousin, to the northern part of Nicosia. On Saturday the same, but this time more relaxed since on Sunday morning we had the “Wine route”. This event, organized through our organization by Benjamin and Barbara, consisted of a visit to the Wine Museum in the town of Erimi. After the visit and wine tasting offered there, we took the bus to the picturesque village of Omodos. Free time to visit the village and have something to eat. Back to the bus all the group, we went to a wine winery in the village of Platres, near Omodos. There we were explained a summary of the production process and bottling of the different wines for sale. Then we made another tasting and afterwards we went to visit the village. Around five in the afternoon, we headed back to Nicosia.

See you in the next post!

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