Hello everybody!

In this last month of December there has been time to do lots of things, not so much to write. The attendance to different workshops from my organization and with a purpose for societies in conflict situations to approach each other (“Education for the culture of peace” workshop and basketball day through the Peaceplayers organization, with the objective of bringing Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriot children to play all together), as it happens here in Cyprus; active participation in one of the many Christmas markets are being organised these days; last weekend, the attendance at the mid-term evaluation project carried out by the National Agency for volunteers because of the halfway point of the program; or the pre-Christmas party that my flatmates and me organized two weeks ago. That is a summarize of the month of December, which although it is not over, has been quite productive both personally and professionally.

As everyone knows, in a few days we entered officially in the time of Christmas or holiday period, as you prefer to call it. The case is that is going to come rather than well to disconnect a little of the routine and to recharge batteries.

This year it will be different for me, since it will be the first year that I will spend far from my family and friends. It´s a new experience that, even if it is the best time of year to go back home and get together with your loved ones, I want to try, I think it somehow as a personal challenge. Although, I must say that, great fortune mine, in one week I´m having here my parents and sister with me. So we can say that is a half challenge. And to say lucky of me because, apart from having them here with me, that is already a gift for me, I´m going to share with them what I´ve been living during this time in the Island in all the senses.

As from the weekend it will be even more difficult to sit and writing and sharing with you my Cypriot experience , I say goodbye to you until the coming year (come on, it´s going to be a couple of weeks) and see you again after Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!! I wish you all the best!


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