Final stage and back home, weeks 47th to 53th

Hello to everyone,

Before to start to write, I’d like to apologize for my long delay in writing this last post. Initially, I had the intention to write and explain my last weeks in Cyprus in detail, as I used to do most of the times that I’ve written, but given that it’s been long time and since my return to Spain, my life has been like a roller coaster (many changes in a short time), I thought somewhat summarize what was the month of March and April to then thank and goodbye to all those that to a greater or lesser extent have shared with me the experience in Cyprus.



In the months of March and April, that is, the final phase of the program and my stay on the island, my colleagues and I concluded  the different events and activities that we were being held over the last months, I attended several conferences and workshops about peace education and also had time to help my friend Nikola to collect wood to build a real size donkey. Yes yes, a donkey. The sculpture of the animal was part of a bicommunal project which helped young people from both sides of the island.

Seeing that my adventure came to end, I also had time to participate in a trip through different abandoned villages in the Southern part of the island, some of these villas inhabited by Turkish Cypriot and abandoned after the conflict, others because of migratory or geological reasons  ; living firsthand the tradition of the Orthodox Easter at Elli´s village, Katydata; discovering magical places with Chrysi and Pavlos as “Avakas gorge”; or exploring once again all over the North of the island, visiting two of the three medieval castles which crown the peaks of the Pentadaktylos mountains or Kyrenia mountains, reaching the most northern part, Karpasia peninusla, all this with my great friends Nikola, Veronika, Gioia and his brother Daniel.


Once the summary of the last few weeks, I’m going with the farewells and thanks.

So many people that I’ve met and connected during this stage of my life, that I could spend hours writing the names of all of them, and I am sure they know with absolute certainty are part of that list, I’m going to afford the luxury of not doing so. As well, to all of them I want to say with these words the infinitely grateful for sharing our time together, laughters, sorrows, follies, meals, moments… and that, with all my heart, hope to meet soon with all them.


Also to dedicate words of thanks and gratitude to all the past and present members of YEU Cyprus, which made it possible that this experience worth, rather than largely fulfilling the expectations of the project.


And to finish, just to say thanks, thanks and thanks to all those who I named above and whom I´ve shared carriage in this train that is life.

With love,


Summary of February and first week of March, 42th to 46th weeks

Hello to everyone again!

Before I start, I would like to excuse me by these small holiday that I have taken. In the final part of my experience in Cyprus, have devoted my time in planning (I’m still on it) my nearest future. After so many months of incredible moments (some not so much) and have discovered and known such as fantastic places and wonderful people, it’s time to look ahead and follow my path, but still enjoy the moment.

During the month of February I had the possibility to continue enjoying lots of experiences, with a small break because of a sore throat that it solved soon. Also has been a small time of downturn since one not always is is bright and with the best humor, and when you find in those moments of vulnerability and you feel so far that the heat of your people just so appreciated, it makes you feel  more difficult to stand up. But as the saying goes “no pain that last for a hundred years”, everything pass away and we go back at it again, enjoying the moment and sharing my time with all of these people that I have had the pleasure of meeting and who have had happy to share their time, concerns and follies with me.

But back to what has been the month of February, and leaving aside small bumps, I will make a short summary, to not dwell too much. The first week of February, after it returned from Bucharest, came the time of resting at home due to the disease. Afterwards, dinner at my friend Yarimar and Ezekiel’s and another dinner to inaugurate Pavlos and Chrysi friends flat; the surprise at the day of birthday of my great friend, Elli, and recognition for their hard work with her band during the last four years two days later at the Youth Awards Ceremony, in which also participated my friend Andria as a member of the choir Amalgamation, whose director shared prize with Elli.

As part of our program activities, and apart from the Spanish lessons I teach, my colleague Benjamin and I organized an event called Eco-Teaching, to work on the importance and awareness of caring our environment, event aimed mainly for teachers which will be put into practice the ideas that we raised among his students. Also organised with the help of Mohammed, a professional clown and creator of hope for many children, the screening of a documentary about the incredible work of another clown in a hospital with children with cancer. Unfortunately, the projection did not attract a large number of people, not to say anybody. A pity because the documentary was really worth it.

Back to leisure activities, on Sunday, February 26, Yari, Ezekiel, and I went to see what was the great Carnival of Limassol. Without a doubt great was, probably the largest of the island was concentrated there that day. Lots of fun but also much chaos. I think I would never repeat again, at least as an espectator.
Monday 27 was bank holiday in Cyprus, so Chrysi, Pavlos and me went with another group of hikers to do a hiking route in the side occupied of the island, and had as final destination of the route the Buffavento Castle, one of the three castles that crown the peaks of the mountain of Pentadaktylos.
Finally, already in March last week and to close this post, Saturday 4 my friends Veronika, Katarzyna and I headed Pafos to participate in the marathon that was organized there. Sotiris, Salah, Katarzyna and I run in the 10km race, while Veronika participated in the half marathon. An incredible weekend. It was my first participation in a race of this kind and I felt very comfortable, despite not feeling all that I would have liked to be prepared.
At the moment, I´m enjoying every day here in this amazing corner of the Mediterranean, and I hope that you also be doing reading these lines.
See you at the next posts!


Bucharest, 41th week

Hello to everyone!

Gradually the end of my adventure in Cyprus is coming, and one of the things that I promised to myself before I started it was travel as much as I could around Cyprus. Turkey, Greece, Egypt,… many destinations of great attraction and an entire year ahead. But first I had to discover Cyprus. After seven and a half months and have traveled and discovered much of the island, finally came the first break. Istanbul was the destination. A month ago, it was the turn of the next break. This time he played Bucharest, Romania.

Tuesday, January 31 I prepared the backpack and from Larnaca flew to Bucharest. There my friend Mihaela was waiting for me. I arrived in Bucharest at 6pm and an hour later I met her and a friend of her at the at the centre of the city. We had dinner in the old town, in the University area and after a couple of more beers, Miha and I went to her flat to rest.

The next day, my friend took the day off, so I took it as my personal guide to visit part of the city. We started the route in the Tineretului Park, covered by snow. From there we went to another park, Carol Park. It´s the oldest in the city and it has the mausoleum that honors the national heroes. We followed our particular route with refreshment stop at “Factory” to regain strength. From there we walked towards the centre of the city, watching the end of a long avenue the Palace of the Romanian Parliament, or as many Romanians know it, the People’s House. But that wasn´t our destination. Our destination was the House of Government. There was taking place a demonstration against the new elected Government one month, on grounds of corruption. Nothing new in the times we live unfortunately. When we arrived there were 6,000 demonstrators. When we left 80,000. When we got the news at home, the number reached 120,000.

On Thursday and Friday, while Mihaela met her workday, I spent both days to kick me (wander without rest) the city, to visit it and to keep the heat in the body. I will name some of the sites that I visited, such as the National Museum of History, the Arc of Triumph or the Avenue of Victory, but to illustrate all this, I recommend that you see with better detail everything that I could enjoy during the entire trip at the photo gallery.

Already on Saturday, first thing in the morning I said goodbye to Mihaela, caught a taxi at the airport and around three in the afternoon was again in Larnaca. Back home and rest.

See you at the next posts!

Ski in Troodos, but not only ski 38th, 39th and 40th weeks

Hello to everyone!!

Looking at the big amount of snow has fallen down during the latest three weeks, it would have been a pity not to try to enjoy it and even going to ski. So thinking and thinking about the chance to ski in Cyprus, something unthinkable few months ago, I proposed the idea to my friend Ilenia. She, who didn´t have any idea to ski told me very quickly yes!! Let´s go to ski!! So we started to move in order to find someone with car and willing to drive and ski with us. In less than one day, problem solved. Ilenia, as restless as active found a guy with car…but without chains. And that guy turned out to be my good friend Marc. Everything looked going well but the chains.

The previous week, I went up to the mountain with Yarimar, Ezequiel, Elli and Savvia, and the road was so bad we couldn´t reach the top of the mountain because of the snow and ice. With this outlook, it was almost impossible to go with Marc´s car. By chance, a friend I told him my intention to go to ski added me in a Facebook ski journey´s group. Problem solved. On Saturday 14 around seventeen people gathered to head towards Troodos mountain. Once there, we rented the ski equipment and went to the slopes. All day going up and down at the ski station, very nice time with very nice people and around 4 pm we went back to Nicosia.

The next week passed as usual, with the exception of Friday, that I spent it with my friend Nikos having lunch together and sharing a very good time, as always. In the evening, YEU board members invited us (all the volunteers) to a dinner in a traditional Cypriot tavern. We ate “mezes” (traditional Cypriot dishes) we danced traditional music and some plates were broken on the floor also. Unique experience and great time shared with YEU family.

On Saturday, again, I went to Troodos mountain. This time, there was an excursion arranged by Gosia, from Caritas, to take all the people related to the organization there by bus. This time I took it easy and mainly I joined the group to take a hand so they could enjoy the experience with the snow.

Along the last week, I´ve been working between the office and home, given that Caritas has kept closed after Christmas time because of different reasons. Some of the things I´ve been doing so far have been planning next events and workshops. Also, last Thursday my students did their first exam with me, and according to what I´ve seen, it hasn´t been as disaster as I expected (he he, I´m kidding). In the personal field, on Wednesday it was Ezequiel´s birthday and very kindly he invited me together with some other friends for dinner. It was a joyful night that we shared with very nice food and better company.

And to finish the week, on Friday night I went out with Chrysi and Pavlos. On Saturday I went with Yarimar and Ezequiel to visit the ancient city of Salamina, from the Roman and Greek period, and in the night another birthday at Salah´s house, my crazy friend.

On Sunday my colleagues Gioia and Benjamin organized a trip to three villages, Kato Dyrs, Lefkara and Tochni, with the theme “Passionate photographers”. Around 80 participants joined the event. All Sunday walking around the villages and taking very nice pictures. At the end of the day, everyone happy and with a good feeling about the excursion.

See you in the next weeks!



The beginning of the new year, 35th, 36th and 37th week

Happy New Year to everyone!

After a couple of weeks to relax, to enjoy family and friends and to start thinking about new plans for the future, I´m back to the routine. There have been two incredible weeks full of high emotional content. Most of the fault is because of my family, I’ve shared a wonderful first week of vacation visiting the island, showing how is my life here and sharing with them a bit of what I’ve lived for nine months. All those friends and people I’ve shared my time during the rest of my vacation also have their part of fault. Without going too far, the day of Christmas Eve I had fun with my colleague, Leonidas, who taught me, among other things, his business, a farm of about seven thousand pigs!

As my family didn´t come to Cyprus until December 26, I had to find an alternative plan to the night of Christmas Eve and Christmas day. My friends from the Organization Politistiko Ergastiri planned to make a big Christmas Eve dinner at home with other friends,  about thirty people in total, so I joined the plan. Providing each one something for dinner, with more food than space to place it and to dinner, we had a very good dinner and afterwards we began with the drinks. Few time later, proceeded to open our gift of the “Secret Santa”. Then we kept going with the party, the good vibes and some drinks at the end of the night.

The next day, my friend Elli invited me for lunch with her and her family in Katidata, the village of her grandparents. Large number and diversity of food, same with desserts. At the end, we went to visit the village of Kakopetria, a beautiful village , typical of a Christmas stamp. A walk through the streets and back to Nicosia.

On Monday, after spending the evening and dinner with my friend Marc in Larnaca, went to the airport to pick my family up. Almost nine months later, again together. We said goodbye to Marc, got a taxi and went back to Nicosia.

During the week of December 26 to January 2, my family and I had time to travel around the island and to make a small summary of what has been my experience here so far. We visited historical places such as Saint Hilarion´s Castle, Kyrenia´s harbour, the Monastery of Bellapais or the old city  of Kourion. We also visited Nicosia, of course, and Larnaca. We could have enjoyed a little more if weather would have been more suitable, but unfortunately didn´t happen. Anyway, the company was the really important thing, so we leave aside any type of complaint.

The day of New Year’s Eve we went with my friends Pavlos and Chrysi for a coffee after lunch, and in the evening returned home to prepare the dinner. That night we shared table with Yarimar and Ezequiel, good Venezuelan friends who are in Cyprus because of work reasons. The menu was varied, with Spanish and Venezuelan products and the main dish we cook were two beautiful octopus in the oven. Near the midnight, we prepared the grapes and pomegranates, Cypriot tradition this last which is about throwing a pomegranate from the front door of the house, and depending on if the grain remains within the peel predicts a good year or not. Of this last I learned a couple of days after, and as not paid too much attention to the result, I am as am. Anyway, starting the year surrounded by people that you care is without doubt the best possible way of doing so.

New Year’s day was a day to relax, since at night my parents and my sister would get their flight back home, and it wasn´t going to be short and comfortable. They prepared their suitcases, then we went to take a coffee, went back home for dinner and around half past eleven, Ezequiel, that so kindly was offered to ride us to the airport, came home to pick us up. Already at the airport, I said goodbye to my family and Ezequiel and I returned to Nicosia.

The week after was basically about time for resting, reading, thinking about new plans for the future and enjoy friends. Great friends as Pavlos, Chrysi, Andria, Elli, Savvia, Yarimar and Ezequiel… and of course, after more than three months without seeing my dear friend Nikos, who was absent during all this time for work reasons.

This last week have returned to work with charged batteries and with many activities and events still to carry out. Very glad also to see my students. We continue with the rhythm.

See you soon!


Christmas time, 32nd, 33rd and 34th week

Hello everybody!

In this last month of December there has been time to do lots of things, not so much to write. The attendance to different workshops from my organization and with a purpose for societies in conflict situations to approach each other (“Education for the culture of peace” workshop and basketball day through the Peaceplayers organization, with the objective of bringing Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriot children to play all together), as it happens here in Cyprus; active participation in one of the many Christmas markets are being organised these days; last weekend, the attendance at the mid-term evaluation project carried out by the National Agency for volunteers because of the halfway point of the program; or the pre-Christmas party that my flatmates and me organized two weeks ago. That is a summarize of the month of December, which although it is not over, has been quite productive both personally and professionally.

As everyone knows, in a few days we entered officially in the time of Christmas or holiday period, as you prefer to call it. The case is that is going to come rather than well to disconnect a little of the routine and to recharge batteries.

This year it will be different for me, since it will be the first year that I will spend far from my family and friends. It´s a new experience that, even if it is the best time of year to go back home and get together with your loved ones, I want to try, I think it somehow as a personal challenge. Although, I must say that, great fortune mine, in one week I´m having here my parents and sister with me. So we can say that is a half challenge. And to say lucky of me because, apart from having them here with me, that is already a gift for me, I´m going to share with them what I´ve been living during this time in the Island in all the senses.

As from the weekend it will be even more difficult to sit and writing and sharing with you my Cypriot experience , I say goodbye to you until the coming year (come on, it´s going to be a couple of weeks) and see you again after Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!! I wish you all the best!


Getaway to Istanbul and Sunday at Apliki, week 30th and 31st

Hello everybody!

After seven months and half in Cyprus, it finally came the time to change of scenery. As it says the title of this post, the destination was not other than Istanbul. A trip I planned to make some time ago, but that due to the political and social instability in the last months at the Turkish country, I decided to postpone. After talking with my Turkish friend Erdal and seeing that apparently all seemed to be quiet, decided to buy the flight tickets to go to visit him and to know the city. As I already have commented in previous occasions, the situation of division of the Island and as a result of conflict with the Government Turkish makes that travelling from the Greek part to Turkey it becomes in a problem of time and money. However, crossing over to the Turkish part of the Island and buy a ticket to Istanbul means just to spend about fifty euro for the ticket and an hour and a half away to get Istanbul. So, as volunteer I am, with little budget and time enough, the choice was clear.


The previous days to the trip I made sure to leave everything ready for the day of the flight, as printing tickets, checking the bus station in the northern part of Nicosia, preparing part of the baggage,…but without much stress. On Wednesday of that same week, was held at the European University of Cyprus a youth conference, which I attended with my colleague Benjamin. It conducted a series of workshops dealing with several aspects concerning the new generations in the Island, such as the ever-present problem of employment (or unemployment) or the search for solutions to the “Cypriot Issue”. A very productive day, participating in the workshop “the Cyprus Issue”, in which I learned a little more about the recent history of Cyprus, their most pressing concerns and their willingness to sort out a situation that has already lasted more than forty years.

On Thursday, as usually, I taught my Spanish lesson, and on Friday, having worked the previous Sunday, I took the day off to finalize the details of the trip in the morning. In the afternoon, I took the rucksack and I went to the bus stop where I would go from to the airport. A couple of hours before the flight, as recommended, I was at Ercan airport, and around nine o’clock in the evening, the plane taking off towards Istanbul. The contrast between the departure airport and the arrival one was abysmal. From the tranquility of the first to the frantic movement and feeling of chaos of the second. We were already in Istanbul. At the outside of the arrivals gate, plenty of taxis waiting for tourists and travelers who appeared from everywhere. My first thought just seeing that one picture was “how on hell shall I find my friend Erdal here? After a few calls trying both of us to locate each other in that scenario, we finally managed to do it. A friend of Erdal picked us up and from there we went directly to Erdal´s flat. It was midnight, and we were all tired. On Saturday we would have time to enjoy and to catch us up.

Con Erdal

On Saturday, without hurries, we got up, went down (Erdal lives in a fourteenth apartment) to a snack bar next to the building and we took energies to face the morning. We leaded to the metrobus to go to the historical center of the city, before changing for the tram to reach the Grand Bazaar. In the middle of the movement of the city it´s difficult to appreciate the size of which the economic center of the city was during the Ottoman age, but the case is that this market is provided with more than fifty four streets and about four thousand shops. We left behind us the Grand Bazaar and continued our particular route through the streets of the old town of Istanbul to go directly to the Cistern Basilica constructed during the Ottoman period, which in other times provided of water the city. A place between mysterious and relaxing under ground that undoubtedly it was worth visiting it.

Agia Sofía

The next spot we went was the square that separates the Blue Mosque of Agia Sofia, between two immense colossus that face each other from both sides of the square. We visited without haste both mosques (currently Agia Sofia is a museum) and after contemplating these two wonders, we headed towards the Bosphorus shore. From there I was able to contemplate the beauty of the canal, in spite of the cold and enjoying some incredible views from the Galata Tower ,once we were in the neighborhood of Karaköy, until the Asian part of the city. We crossed the bridge between the flow of people and the tremendous number of fishermen met there to reach Karaköy and to visit the Galata Tower. After climbing the steep hill to reach the tower, we arrived and saw there was a very long queue to go up to the top, so we decided to continue with the route, since I would have time on Monday more easily. From there we headed toward Taksim Square, through an endless street full of shops and even more people. Half way to relax a bit, we went to have a beer and to enjoy (after suffering) the life of the streets full of people.

Tranvía turístico

After the beer, we retook the way, arrived to Taksim square , once full of life, that afternoon not so much, and from there we went to take the tram first and the metrobus then to take us back home. By the night, Penar,  Erdal´s girlfriend returned from work and from there went to a Turkish food restaurant. We went back home to rest after dinner, on Sunday more.

De barbacoa

On Sunday, with no rush to get up,  we said goodbye to Penar, who had to leave for work reasons, and together with Osman, friend of Erdal, we went out of the city to make a barbecue in the forest. A proper plan for a quiet Sunday to disconnect from the routine and the hustle and bustle of the city. On the way, we stopped to buy meat and the necessary tools for the barbecue and there we arrived at the place for cooking and enjoying the day. Around half past five began to get dark, so we picked up everything and went back to the apartment.

On Monday, because of Erdal had to work, I went to visit the city alone. We set off home together and when he got his stop, I farewelled him and I kept going in the bus to reach mine. I did the transshipment from the metrobus to the tram and I got off at the  “Sultan Ahmed” stop that drops you right between Agia Sofia and the Mosque of Sultan Ahmed or Blue Mosque. From there I went to the Topkapi Palace to finally arrive at the Bosphorus channel. I got the ferry that took me to the Asian part of the city, concretely to Kadiköy area, enjoying during the journey the wonderful sights. After several hours wandering the streets of the areas of Kadiköy and Üsküdar, I returned to the Eminönü area, at the European side. Stop for lunch, guess what? of course kebab, was starving and didn´t have too much energy to look for something different.

Desde Galata

Eating beside the  Galata Tower, next I did was to come up and to delight me with the great views offered from there. A panoramic view of the amazing city. After I left the tower I headed again to the Grand Bazaar and once inside, I got lost. I consider myself as a person with sense of the orientation, but the size of the place and the similarity of the galleries made me get lost. After a while walking around, I managed to relocate and to find the way out towards the tram stop to go back home.  it was getting dark and Erdal was already at home waiting for me.

When it´s said that Istanbul has a population of fourteen million, it´s normal to find at rush hour the huge amount of people trying to make a space in the bus or the metro to go back home or to move any other place. Fortunately I survived to the experience and got to Erdal´s home just in time for dinner.

My last day in Istanbul was quite relaxd. I spent the whole Tuesday at Erdal´s place with a friend of him, Mehmet, resting and preparing the trip back to Nicosia. Before that, Mehmet and I went to a restaurant to get some energy before the flight. Just before I took a taxi to the airport, I had time to say goodbye Erdal and Mehmet. Eternally grateful to my friend Erdal for his hospitality and good treatment. See you soon my friend. Around the midnight was back home in Nicosia.

noche italiana

Back to the routine but with batteries more than charged, I kept going with my Spanish classes on thursday and friday we had another “cultural night” at YEU office, this time “Italian night”. My mates Gioia and Luana dealt with all the preparations to make a night full of good moments and good food, with a great participation at the event. On Saturday, I stayed home with some household tasks and in the evening I attended together with several friends from Caritas to a classical music concert, a piano solo played by the Greek composer Christodoulos Georgiades, and when it finished, back home.

Buen surtido

On Sunday, my friend Andria had invited me to a party at her conutry house of together with other forty people. There we enjoyed a awesome day making zivania, cooking, eating and enjoying the company. Some friends of Andria brought their instruments and in the afternoon they played traditional music with two unusual instruments (at least for me) such as the santur and the lute. A full day in the countryside with the best company and also the best way to end the week.

See you in the next posts!

One night in Troodos and “Wine Tour” 27th, 28th and 29th week

Hello everyone!

As it is often said, after a storm calm comes. And that is what I´ve been doing during the last two weeks. This time I have no excuse. I´ve dedicated my time to disconnect a little away from the hustle and bustle of the last few weeks and I relaxed so much that I even forgot to write. But I am already back.

Actually there is not much to say about the last few weeks. The work in Caritas runs as always and in the office, although at a lighter pace, too. Preparing the Spanish classes I realize I really like to do this more and more. My students maintain their assistance and according what I have heard, they learn and enjoy, two aspects that in my opinion should go always hand in hand . Of course, I also learn with them, always, something that I really appreciate.

Apart from the classes, on Thursday 3, I made an interview with my colleague Benjamin in our radio program “Signs of the World” about his experience as a volunteer  in an orphanage in Cameroon for three months. A very interesting experience, suggestive and inspiring as a challenge for the future, but you never know. That same day at night was time to say goodbye to Emanuela, great friend whom I spent a great time last summer and I couldn´t forget in this post. I hope that we can see soon.

In reference to the resting time I mentioned before, on Friday 28 October it was bank holiday in Cyprus and the following Monday I took the day off and so I was able to enjoy a few resting days, without doing anything in particular, but disconnecting. The reason for the bank holiday on 28 October in Greece and Cyprus is due to “no” (OXI) and its subsequent counterattack that gave in response the Greek Government of Metaxas to the Italian Government of Mussolini due to the ultimatum and later attempt of invasion by the italian army in Greek land in 1940. As anecdote.

And after a week shorter than normal, Friday came, and with it a last hour plan, concretely a camping in Troodos Mountains. A unexpected plan because I was proposed by my friend Ehson to make it late on Thursday. On Friday I moved to collect any items that I was missing for camping (sleeping bag, mat,…) and on Saturday we were going toward the mountain. But before, on Friday night, I had time to go out and taking a few beers with my friends Pavlos, Chrysi and Andria.

Madaris 3

The Saturday, as planned, we headed to Prodromos, to one of the highest points of the island. We arrived, planted the tents and went to collect firewood for the night,  it looked like it was going to be chilli. After that and before it was dark, there was programmed a yoga session in a hotel near the place, or at least that was what I understood. I didn´t expect when we got the place, the hotel was abandoned. In any case, we came in and on the first floor, in a huge and skeletal room (was completely in the foundations), we did a yoga class. At the end, a feeling of calm coupled with the particularity of the place made the experience a unique moment.

The hotel

We went back to the camp and lit a fire. Around five it was already dark, so we lit it early and there we enjoyed the heat of the fire eating, drinking, chatting and cheering the night with the djembe. Around midnight I went to my tent to sleep. Luckily, Elli gave me a fantastic bag and at the end the night was not as cold as expected.


The next morning, we picked up everything and headed to another part of Troodos, concretely to Madaris, where we went for a hiking, short route, but incredible one. A trail that surrounded the peak of the mountain and that offered some incredible views from the island. In a bit more than an hour we completed the tour and finally, went back to Nicosia.

The group

This last week, following with the work line, we reached the weekend. On Friday night I went out with my roommates and Alessandra, Gioia´s cousin, to the northern part of Nicosia. On Saturday the same, but this time more relaxed since on Sunday morning we had the “Wine route”. This event, organized through our organization by Benjamin and Barbara, consisted of a visit to the Wine Museum in the town of Erimi. After the visit and wine tasting offered there, we took the bus to the picturesque village of Omodos. Free time to visit the village and have something to eat. Back to the bus all the group, we went to a wine winery in the village of Platres, near Omodos. There we were explained a summary of the production process and bottling of the different wines for sale. Then we made another tasting and afterwards we went to visit the village. Around five in the afternoon, we headed back to Nicosia.

See you in the next post!

Spanish Cultural Night, weeks 24th, 25th and 26th

Hello everyone!

These past few weeks it has been quite difficult for me to find time to write. Especially this month in which most of the activities that we have made have been under my responsibility. In order, the basketball tournament which I organised together with my colleagues on 8th October , films that have projected every Monday along this month and which have had as theme Spanish movies , several radio programs in which I have worked with my colleague Barbara, Spanish lessons with my dedicated students and the “Spanish Cultural Night on Friday October 21 at the office of YEU Cyprus.” An intense but rewarding month for the work accomplished and proud of the dedication put into the preparation of the activities, but always there is place for improvement.

Spanish Cultural Night 2

After a week of intense job, doing overtime to get ready for Friday 21th October, finally the staging day arrived. The “Spanish Cultural Night” began in the hall of our office at half past eight. After presenting the event in the presence of around twenty or thirty people,  I projected a power point, with music by “Tomatito” background,  explaining briefly the History of Spain through the centuries and linking it to the traditions and festivals that we celebrate in the different areas of the country nowadays. As it was going on the projection, more people arrived, and around nine o’clock in the evening, when we start to take out trays with “tapas” that had been preparing for six hours during the day, in the room could be between forty and fifty people. Good atmosphere and people happy with the tapas that Gioia first and the girls of the organization later helped me to leave ready and the “sangría” that Barbara and I made. Also some Spanish music, to reproduce music in Spanish later, that not is it same. The event was scheduled to end at ten o’clock, but due to the relaxed atmosphere of the activity and that was Friday night, we ended up at the office near midnight.

Dorians Challenge 2

Regarding to my leisure time during these weeks, highlithing on Saturday 15th October I participated together with my friends Nikola and Pavlos at the “Dorian challenge”, a circuit of five kilometers and twenty obstacles in the natural area of Kornos, in Larnaca. An activity that I enjoyed very much in the middle of nature climbing, crossing mud areas, crawling through tunnels, and overcoming any obstacles. As my colleague Nikola said to a staff member in a tone of banter when we came out of the tunnel which we crossed crawling: “And we paid for this?”. Good morning and good afternoon later at the beach to relax Nikola, Nadia and I.

See you soon!

Getting ready for the 3on3 basketball tournament and put in action, weeks 22nd and 23rd

Hello everyone!

During the last two weeks, my work in the office has been focused mainly on the preparation of the next big event that we organized in YEU on Saturday, October 8th. This activity has occupied most of my time, but also I have been able to enjoy other activities both in my work schedule and my free time (which was not too much, but I have enjoyed equally)

Let´s start first with what I have done in my free time. Three weekends ago (time runs fast) I was visiting the city of Kyrenia with Nadia, a small but very beautiful and with a particular charm city.


In this port city , located in the  North part of the island, it´s possible to appreciate the  Turkish coast in cloudless days. In addition to its port, it also stands out for its historic castle, built by the Venetians around the 16th century.

Kyrenia´s port

Already in the working days, apart from the work made organizing the 3on3 basketball tournament, I focused as every week in preparing the Spanish lessons, and these same Thursday, I also participated in our weekly radio show , “Signs of the world”, with my partner Barbara. The topic was about soundtracks of some of the best movies, in our view, of the last decades.

Signs of the world

 Two weekends ago, I went with several friends to the village of Pera. There, Elli and its “Windcraft band” touched its usual repertoire of songs, such that oneselve never gets tired of listening.


Food, drink and artisanal products and good music to enjoy a pleasant evening.

On Sunday, Savvia, Elli, Nadia and I had planned a trip to the city of Famagusta, also located in the North. Visit to one of the most beautiful cities of Cyprus for its historical monuments, and also to the part where you can find the ghost town. Ghost town because, shortly after the Turkish occupation of the northern part of the island, the inhabitants of Famagusta left the city without taking their belongings, thinking that when the conflict ended they could return to their homes. Unfortunately that was not the case and that whole area abandoned (which today is blocked by the Turkish Army) was deteriorating until today, and all you can see are houses and buildings half destroyed. Part of the recent history of Cyprus.

Famagusta, casco antiguo

Following with our particular tour, we first visited the historical part of the city. Later we bordered the ghost town and finally went to the beach to do a bit of hunger. After a while, we went to a restaurant near the beach and around six, back to Nicosia. To end the day I said goodbye to my friends and I went to the birthday of Chrysi, another friend who had organized a picnic in a city park with friends. A good time, good company and a good piece of cake to close the weekend.

During the following week, I mean, last week, more office work to leave ready the basketball tournament, preparing the classes, … and as usually, helping at Caritas.

Saturday arrived, and also with it the  3on3 basketball tournament. Ten teams, around 50 people involved between players and organizers, good atmosphere and also a lot of heat to be October. Fortunately, everything went according to plan (except the schedules, something normal, we are in Cyprus), people enjoyed and we were very proud of everyone enjoyed it.

Con mis amigos

And to finish well the weekend, on Sunday I attended to the presentation event of the new group of EVS that arrived a month ago to our organization, composed by Veronica, from Czech Republic, Luana, from Italy and Nicola, from Serbia. After the event,  there was even time to attend the Oktoberfest, organised by the Goethe Institute,and enjoy good beers.

See you next week!